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How to Keep Fleas Away From Pets

Fleas are tiny, dark brown insects that feed on animals by sucking their blood. They move around and about on the skin surface, dodging between hairs and cannot be seen right away, let alone remove.  They might live on your pet dog or cat for about a month, and it’s the time harm isn’t done to most animals as long as there is only a small number of them. The obvious sign is your pet trying to scratch an itchy body part that has fleas in it.  However, some animals become very sensitive to flea bites, resulting in severe skin disease.  Think about some people getting hay fever through inhaling pollen grains, when other people breathing the same air might feel fine. This can explain why only a few in a group of animals tend to develop severe skin conditions due to fleas. Generally, it is true that a sign of flea infestation is happening when you see a single one --- sometimes a few --- in your household. Just like every other animal, fleas breed. ...
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Flea Treatment: Why Only A Professional Flea Removal Services Can Effectively Do This

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